Data și ora: 2021-03-18 15:00
Locația: Microsoft Teams
Rezumat teză de doctorat: Accesează
During operation any electronic component will dissipate heat (with the exception of Peltier modules). If the amount of dissipated heat is high enough the temperature of the elements of the component may increase. Every designer of electronic equipment including components that dissipate heat will try to find the cooling solution that best combines the three methods of heat transfer without affecting the functionality of the system, without increasing energy consumption, or the size of the equipment or its price. In this line the active cooling solutions used in lighting fixtures that employ high-power LEDs were analyzed, evaluated and further developed. Geometric and thermal models were be created for some of the fixtures used in the measurements. A constructive solution was proposed to improve an existing active cooling method. At the same time, a solution was proposed to improve the heat dissipation for an existing heat sink. A constructive solution was proposed for a traffic light that works in extreme thermal conditions. We analysed the best way to supply power LEDs and how to estimate the junction temperature.

Conducător de doctorat

Prof. dr. ing. Paul SVASTA, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România.

Comisie de doctorat

Prof. dr. ing. Gheorghe BREZEANU, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România
Prof. dr. ing. Ciprian IONESCU, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România
Prof. dr. ing. Ioan LIȚĂ, Universitatea din Pitești, România
Dr. ing. Carmen MOLDOVAN, Institutul Național de Cercetări pentru Microtehnologie, București, România.

Comisie de îndrumare

Prof. dr. ing. Ciprian IONESCU, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România
Conf. dr. ing. Florin DRĂGHICI, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România
Conf. dr. ing. Marian VLĂDESCU, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România.