Andra-Isabela-Elena ȚAPU (CIOBANU)
Data și ora: 2021-09-27 12:00
Locația: Microsoft Teams
Rezumat teză de doctorat: Accesează
The doctoral dissertation presents aspects of NFV (Network Function Virtualization) technology using two frameworks: SONATA (Switchless Optical Network for Advanced Transport Architecture) and OSM (Open Source MANO). In addition, another own framework is being developed, namely CSH (Control System Hub) representing a PaaS (Platform as a Service) cloud solution valid for testing and monitoring the quality of 5G services in a network slicing context. The thesis, oriented towards the application part (software development of NFV elements), has as main contributions several experiments, comparatively analyze of the performances of the two frameworks and software development for testing NFV functionalities in different topologies within OSM. Among the contributions of the thesis, it can be enumerated: Testing the functionality of different VNFs in various topologies using the SONATA framework, NFV experiments whose purpose is to test the functionality of different VNFs in different topologies using the OSM framework, Comparative analysis between the SONATA framework and the ETSI model, Selective visualization of VNF primitives, all integrated with OSM by developing a script in the Python language, Comparative analysis of QoS and QoE, Proposing a high-level network architecture with QoS provision using “network slicing” (CSH). The results presented in the thesis have been validated by publishing 10 articles in journals and volumes of international conferences.

Conducător de doctorat

Prof. dr. ing. Eugen BORCOCI, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România.

Comisie de doctorat

Prof. dr. ing. Bogdan IONESCU, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România
Prof. dr. ing. Virgil DOBROTĂ, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, România
Conf. dr. ing. Cristian-Iulian RÎNCU, Academia Tehnică Militară “Ferdinand I” din București, România
Prof. dr. ing. Sorin ZOICAN, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România.

Comisie de îndrumare

Prof. dr. ing. Sorin ZOICAN, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România
Conf. dr. ing. Dan GALATCHI, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România
Ș.l.dr. ing. Șerban OBREJA, Universitatea Politehnica din București, România.